Virtual Reality
Literally defined, Virtual Reality (VR) is an unreal experience as close to reality as possible. This refers to a specific type of reality emulation. We, as humans, are accustomed to heavily relying on our five sensory organs to sense and perceive practically everything we need to know about this world. Whereas, the truth is that the human perception and understanding requires a lot more than these basic sensory inputs. These sensory inputs then undergo special processing until our brain extracts the useful information from it and guides us to react and adapt accordingly.
Like every other natural creation that exists in this world, scientists have tried to re-create this mental environment in a synthetic computer-controlled form. Virtual Reality is that particular effort which refers to computer technologies using virtual reality headsets to generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that replicate a real environment or create an imaginary setting. Furthermore, VR also simulates a user's physical presence treating him like yet another object part of the environment.
One using virtual reality equipment is able to do more than just "look around" the artificial world, with high quality VR he can move about in it, act and react how so ever he pleases, and interact with features or items depicted in the headset and visible on the console. The instruments associated with VR are the VR headsets which are typically head-mounted goggles with a screen in front of the eyes, employing the user’s sight and audio senses simultaneously and eventually controlling his perception to an extent of fooling his brain into believing that the world virtual is, in fact, real
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